
PMA Ethiopia's survey project is designed to generate data on a variety of reproductive, maternal, and newborn health (RMNH) indicators that can inform national and regional governments. The project implements cross-sectional and cohort surveys to fill a data gap—collecting information not currently measured by other large-scale surveys with a focus on measuring RMNH comprehensiveness of care services, and the barriers and facilitators to such care.

Cross-sectional data, including a health facility based survey, are collected annually in all regions. Longitudinal data (following pregnant women through one year postpartum) are collected in two cohorts of women (2019-2021 and 2021-2023) in four large, predominantly agrarian regions.

The Addis Ababa University School of Public Health (AAU), led by Principal Investigator Dr. Solomon Shiferaw and Co-Principal Investigator Dr. Assefa Seme, completed six rounds of the PMA2020 family planning survey in Ethiopia between 2014 and 2019. In collaboration with the Guttmacher Institute, questions related to the implementation of the Global Gag Rule were added in 2018 and a follow-up survey will be conducted in early 2020.

The AAU completed a PMA Maternal and Newborn Health survey in the SNNP region in 2016. The survey followed pregnant women, interviewing them before birth and at seven days, six weeks, and six months postpartum. A knowledge, attitudes and practice survey related to civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS) was conducted in two regions, Addis Ababa and SNNP, in 2019.  

PMA Plus is an expansion project of PMA aimed at gaining critical understandings of women, adolescents, men and couples’ decision-making about fertility and contraceptive intentions and use to improve estimation of key FP2020 indicators. Ethiopia was one of three sites for development of the Womens’ and Girls’ Empowerment module. 

View the PMA Ethiopia Second Cohort Six-Week Postpartum Maternal and Newborn Health Technical Report, 2021-2023 Cohort.


View the full dissemination presentation of our 2023 Cohort 2 (6-months and 1-year postpartum) and 2021 Cohort 1 (6-months and 1-year postpartum) and Cohort 2 (baseline and 2021 cross-sectional) survey results. 

View PMA Ethiopia's latest technical reports:

PMA Ethiopia Service Delivery Point Technical Report, 2021

PMA Ethiopia Cohort Two Baseline Maternal and Newborn Health Technical Report, 2021


Read more about PMA Ethiopia and a guidance document on working with us.

About PMA Ethiopia                   Questionnaires                         Guidance for Collaboration

View Survey Results Summary Meet Our Partners

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Survey Results Summaries

PMA uses innovative mobile technology to support low-cost, rapid-turnaround surveys monitoring key health and development indicators. Surveys are completed by resident enumerators, uploaded to a central server via a mobile data network, cleaned and analyzed. Results are disseminated shortly after.

Technical Area Survey Results Brief Indicators Report
Family Planning 2019 Survey Results Brief English English
Family Planning PMA2020, Round 6, 2018 English English
Maternal & Newborn Health PMA2020, MNH, 2017 English
Water, Sanitation, & Hygiene PMA2020, Round 5, 2017 English
Menstrual Hygiene Management PMA2020, Round 5, 2017 English
Family Planning PMA2020 Implant Users, Round 5, 2017 English
Family Planning PMA2020, Round 5, 2017 English English
Adolescent & Young Adults PMA2020, Round 5, 2017 English
Family Planning PMA2020, Round 4, 2016 English English
Family Planning PMA2020 SDG Indicators, Round 4, 2016 English

Snapshot of Indicators

Snapshot of Indicators (SOIs) are online tables  that provide a summary of key family planning indicators and information on sample design, questionnaires, data processing, response rates and sample error estimates.

View indicators for Ethiopia by round


Research in Ethiopia


of women who are 7-9 months pregnant have not received any antenatal care.


PMA has a variety of publications including briefs, reports and overview documents  that may be used to inform health policy and programming decisions. Listed below are publications authored by PMA faculty, students, staff, and partners that draw upon PMA data. 

For a full list of publications that use PMA data, please visit our Google Scholars page.

Click here to view our survey results summaries.

Partner Institution

Addis Ababa University Logo

Addis Ababa University School of Public Health

The Department of Community Health was founded in 1964 under the medical faculty with the objective of training and equipping medical doctors with public health thinking and practice useful for a developing country setting. In these settings, the majority of the morbidities and mortalities are preventable and most people are living in rural areas with no or little access to health services. The Addis Ababa University School of Public Health was the first academic institution in the country to provide graduate training in public health -- offering an MPH degree program since 1984 and the doctoral program (PhD) since 2003/2004. The School of Public Health is organized into three departments: the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics; the Department of Reproductive, Family Health and Nutrition; and the Department of Health Management, Environmental and Behavioral Health Sciences.

Addis Ababa University

Principal Investigator

Solomon Shiferaw

Solomon Shiferaw, MD, MPH

Dr. Solomon Shiferaw is an Associate Professor at the Addis Ababa University in the School of Public Health, Department of Reproductive Health and Health Service Management. His research background includes adolescent reproductive health, use of mobile phone based applications to improve maternity service utilization, and inventory management of contraceptives at health facilities. His work on PMA builds upon a longstanding collaboration of Addis Ababa University with the Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population & Reproductive Health. Dr. Solomon holds an MD from the University of Gondar, an MPH from Addis Ababa University, and a PhD from Maastricht University, The Netherlands.

Co-Principal Investigator

Assefa Seme

Assefa Seme, MD, MPH

Dr. Assefa Seme is an Associate Professor at the Addis Ababa University in the School of Public Health, Department of Reproductive Health and Health Service Management. His research background includes adolescent reproductive health, maternal health with a focus on Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV (PMTCT), and contraceptive use to improve maternal and child health. His work on PMA builds upon a longstanding collaboration of Addis Ababa University with the Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population & Reproductive Health; one that includes support for the multi-country “Family Health and Wealth” panel survey. Dr Assefa holds an MD and an MPH from the Addis Ababa University. 


Project Coordinator

Mahari Yihdego

Mahari Yihdego, MPH

Mahari Yihdego is the Project Coordinator for PMA Ethiopia. Formerly he served as a lecturer at Mizan-Tepi University in the College of Health Sciences, Department of Public Health. His research background includes maternal and child health with a focus on neonatal health. Mahari has professional experience in coordinating research conducted by local and international nongovernmental organizations. He has worked as a regional and research coordinator in various quantitative and qualitative studies. Mahari holds a B.Sc. in Public Health from Mekelle University and an MPH in Reproductive and Family Health from Addis Ababa University.


Data Manager

Ayanaw Amogne

Ayanaw Amogne

Ayanaw Amogne is the Data Manager for PMA Ethiopia. He has also been working as a data manager at Mela Research, PLC in Addis Ababa, where he works on database design, Stata programming, and overseeing data processing. Ayanaw has extensive professional experience in data management and analysis. He worked as a statistician for the Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia, where he contributed to data analysis, automation, and dissemination. He was also a data analyst at the Ethiopian Development Research Institute. Ayanaw holds an MA in International Development Studies from National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) and a BSc major in Statistics and minor in Computer Science from Addis Ababa University.