PMA2020 datasets are now available through University of Minnesota’s IPUMS program. IPUMS is an international data archive for survey and other data sets. Their goal is to make (even more) recoded/standardized micro-level data files available for analysis -- more standardization will increase research that improves data use for programmatic decisions in the future.
Like the PMA2020 data request process, you are required to create an account and submit a description of your intent for research or educational use of the data.
“Of note, we have seen an increase in data downloads from our own website with over 3,300 downloads in 2017 across 37 survey rounds now posted,” explained PMA2020 Project Director Scott Radloff. “Offering an additional channel to access PMA2020 data through IPUMS will increase availability further to help us achieve our goals of expanding access and use of our data for informing programs and policies.”